| At Rome she had be and at Babiloyne | |
| At saint Iames in Galis and at Coloyne | |
| She coude moche of wandrynge in the wey | |
470 | Gap tothid was she sothly to sey | |
| Vp on an Ambeler ful esely she sat | |
| I wymplid wel & on hir hed an hat | |
| As brood as it were a bokeler or a targe | |
| A foot mantil aboute hir hippis large | |
475 | And on hir helis a peire of sporis sharpe | |
| In feleship coude she lawhe and carpe | |
| Of remedyes of loue she counde per chaunce | |
| For of that art she coude the daunce | |
| A | Good man ther was of Religion | |
480 | And was a poure parson of a toun | |
| But riche he was and holy of werk | |
| He was also a lerned man & a clerk | |
| That cristis gospellis trewly wolde preche | |
| His parishons deuoutly wolde he teche | |
485 | Benigne he was and wonder diligent | |
| And in aduersite ful pacient | |
| And suche he was proued ofte sithes | |
| Ful loth were he to curse for his tithis | |
| But rathir wolde he yeue out of doute | |
490 | Vnto his poure parishons aboute | |
| Of his offringe and of his sustenaunce | |
| He coude in lityl thing haue suffisaunce | |
| Wide was his parish and housis fer a sondir | |
| But he let not for rayn ne for thundir | |
495 | In siknesse ner in myschief to visite | |