| That saint Petir hadde whan that he went | |
| Vp on the se til Iesus crist hym hent | |
| He hadde a cros of laton ful of stones | |
700 | And in a glas he hadde piggis bones | |
| But with thise reliques whan that he fond | |
| A poure person dwellynge vp on lond | |
| Vp on a day he gat hym more mone | |
| Than the person gat in monethis thre | |
705 | And thus hath he feyned flateriez & Iapis | |
| He made the parson and the pepill his apis | |
| But trewli to telle at the last | |
| He was in chirche an noble ecclesiast | |
| Well coude he rede a lesson or a story | |
710 | But alderbest he song an offretory | |
| For wel he wiste whan that song was sunge | |
| He moste preche and file a while his tunge | |
| To wynne siluer as he wel can | |
| Therfore he song the merier than | |
| N | Ow haue I tolde you shortly in a clause | |
| The state the aray the nombre & the cause | |
| Why that assembled was this companye | |
| In Sowthwerk at this gentil hostelrye | |
| That highte the Taberd faste by the belle | |
720 | But now is tyme to you forto telle | |
| How that we bare vs that ilke nyght | |
| Whan that we were in the hostry a light | |
| And aftir wil I telle of our viage | |
| And al the remenaunt of our pilgremage | |
725 | But first I you pray of your curtasye | |