| Anon to withdrawe euery wight began | |
| And shortly to telle as it was | |
| Were it be auenture fortune or caas | |
845 | The soth is this the cut fil on the knyght | |
| Of whiche ful blithe & glad is euery wight | |
| And telle he moste as it was reson | |
| Be forward and be composicion | |
| As ye haue herd what nedith wordis moo | |
850 | And whan this good man saw that it was soo | |
| As he that was wyse and obedient | |
| To kepe his forward be his fre assent | |
| He sayde sithnes I shal begynne the game | |
| What welcom be cut a goddis name | |
855 | Now lat vs ryde & herkyn what I say | |
| And with that word we riden forth on the way | |
| And he began with right a mery chere | |
| And sayde anone his tale as ye shul here | |
| ¶ Here begynneth the knyghtis tale . | |
| WHilom as olde story telleth vs | |
| Ther was a duke that highte Theseus | |
| Of thebes he was lord and gouernour | |
| And in his tyme suche a conquerour | |
5 | That gretter was ther none vnder sonne | |
| Ful many a riche contre had he wonne | |
| That with his wisedom and chiualrye | |
| He conquered al the regne of femenye | |
| That whilom was cleped Cithea | |
10 | And wedded the quene Ipolita | |
| And broughte hir home in to his contre | |