| In hope to stonden in his ladies grace | |
| Enbrowded was he as it were a mede | |
90 | Al ful of fressh flouris white and rede | |
| Syngynge he was or floytynge al day | |
| He was as fressh as is the moneth of may | |
| Short was his gowne with sleuys longe & wyde | |
| Wel couthe he sitte on hors & therto fair ryde | |
95 | He couthe song make and wel endyte | |
| Iuste and daunce portreye and eke wryte | |
| So hote he loued that by nyghtertale | |
| He slepte nomore than a nyghtyngale | |
| Curteys he was lowly and seruisabyl | |
100 | He carf beforn his fader at the tabyl | |
| A | Yeman hadde he and seruauntis nomo | |
| At that tyme for he list to ryde so | |
| And he was cled in cote and hood of grene | |
| A sheef of arowes bright and shene | |
105 | Vnder his belt he baar ful thriftely | |
| Wel coude he dresse his takyl yomanly | |
| His arowis drouped not with fetheris lowe | |
| And in his hond he baar a mighty bowe | |
| A not hed he hadde with a broun visage | |
110 | Of wodemannes craft coude he al the vsage | |
| Op on his arme he bare agay bracer | |
| And by his side a swerd and a bokeler | |
| And on that other side a gay daggare | |
| Harneysed wel and sharp as poynt of spere | |
115 | A Cristofir on his brest ful shene | |
| An horn he baar the bawdryk grene | |