| To me that am thy cosyn and thy brother | |
| I sworn ful depe and eche of vs to other | |
275 | That neuer forto dien in the peyn | |
| Tyl that the deth departe shal vs tweyn | |
| Neither in loue to hyndre other | |
| Ne in no euil caas my leue brother | |
| But that thou sholdest truly further me | |
280 | In euery caas as I sholde further the | |
| This was thyn oth and myn certayn | |
| I woot it wel thou darst it not withsayn | |
| Thus art thou of my counsel withoute doute | |
| And now thou woldist falsly be aboute | |
285 | To loue my lady whom I loue and serue | |
| And euer shal tyl myn herte sterue | |
| Now certis fals arcite thou shalt not soo | |
| I loued hir first and tolde the my woo | |
| As to my counseyl and to my brother sworn | |
| I suppose thou louedist hir here beforn | |
305 | Wost thou not wel the olde clerkis sawe | |
| That who shal yeue alouer ony lawe | |
| Loue is gretter lawe be my panne | |
| Than may be yeue to ony erthly manne | |
| And therforee positif lawe in suche degre | |
310 | Is broken alday for loue in eche degre | |
| Aman moste nedis loue magre his hed | |
| He may not fle it though he sholde be ded | |
| Al be she mayde widowe or wyf | |
| And eke it is not likly al thy lyf | |
315 | To stonde in her grace nomore shal I | |