| For wel thou wost thy self verily | |
| That thou and I be dampned to prison | |
| Perpetually vs gayneth no raunson | |
| Ne stryue as did the houndis for the bone | |
320 | They faught alday and yet her part was none | |
| Ther cam a curre while that they were so wroth | |
| And baar awey the bone betwix hem bothe | |
| And therfore at the kyngis court my broder | |
| Eche man for hym self there is non other | |
325 | Loue yf thou list for I loue and shal | |
| And sothly lief broder this is al | |
| Here in this prison moste we endure | |
| And euery of vs take his auenture | |
| Gret was the stryf & long betwix hem twey | |
330 | Yf that I hadde leyser forto sey | |
| But to the effect it happed on a day | |
| To telle it shortly as I may | |
| A | Worthy duke that highte Parotheus | |
| That felow was to duke Theseus | |
| But of that story list me not to endite | |
| Duke Parotheus loued wel arcite | |
345 | And hadde hym knowe at thebes yeer be yeer | |
| And finally at the request and praier | |
| Of Parotheus withoute euy Raunson | |
| Duke Theseus leet hym out of prison | |
| Frely to go where hym list ouer al | |
350 | In suche a gyse as I you telle shal | |
| This was the forward playnly to endyte | |
| Betwix duke Theseus and arcyte | |