| That if so were that arcite were founde | |
| Euer in his lyf be day or be stounde | |
355 | In ony contre of this duke Theseus | |
| And he were caught it was acorded thus | |
| That with a swerd he sholde lese his hed | |
| Ther was non oher remedy ne reed | |
| But takith his leue & hounward hym spedde | |
360 | Let hym bewaar his lyf lith to wedde | |
| Hit were a gret thing to telle and to wite | |
| How greet sorow now suffrith arcite | |
| Now is me shapyn eternally to dwelle | |
| Nought in purgatory but in helle | |
| Allas that euer knew I parotheus | |
370 | For ellis hadde I duelt with Theseus | |
| I federed in his prison with moo | |
| Than hadde I be in ease and not in woo | |
| Only the sighte of hir whom that I serue | |
| Though that I neuer her grace may deserue | |
375 | Wolde haue suffised right ynow for me | |
| O dere cosyn Palamon quod he | |
| Thyn is the victory of this auenture | |
| Ful blisful in prison mayst thou endure | |
| In prison nay certis but in paradyse | |
380 | Wel hath fortune to the turned the dyse | |
| That hath the sighte of hir in myn absence | |
| For possible it is sethnes thou hast hir presence | |
| And art a knyght worthy and able | |
| That by som caas syn fortune is chaungeable | |
385 | Thou mayst som tyme to thy desire atteyne | |