| Right as the friday sothly forto telle | |
| Now it shyneth now it rayneth fast | |
| Right so gan guerri venus ouer cast | |
| The hertis of her folk right as her day | |
680 | His guery thought so chaungeth his aray | |
| Selde is the friday al the woke lik | |
| Whan that arcite hadde songe he be gan to sike | |
| And he set hym doun withoute euy more | |
| Allas quod he the day that I was bore | |
685 | How longe Iuno thurgh thy cruelte | |
| Wilt thow werien thebes the Cyte | |
| Alas y brought is to confusion | |
| The blood ryal of Cadyn and amphion | |
| Of Cadimus whiche that was the firste man | |
690 | That Thebes bilt or first the toun began | |
| And of the cyte first was crouned kyng | |
| Of his lynage am I and of his ofspryng | |
| Be verray lyne and of stok ryal | |
| And now I am so kaytyf and so thral | |
695 | That he that is my mortal enemy | |
| I serue hym and am his squyer pouerly | |
| And yet doth me Iuno wel more shame | |
| For I dar not be knowe myn owen name | |
| But there as I wont was to highte arcite | |
700 | Now highte I philostrat not worth amyte | |
| Allas thou fel mars allas Iuno | |
| Thus your ire hath our lynage al fordo | |
| Saue only on wrecchid Palamon | |
| That Theseus martrith in prison | |