705 | And ouer all this to sle me vtterly | |
| Loue hath his firy dart so brennyngly | |
| It stikyd thorugh my trew careful hert | |
| That shapen was erst my deth or my shert | |
| Ye sle me with your yen Emelye | |
710 | Ye be the cause wherfore that I dye | |
| Of al the remenaunt of myn other care | |
| Ne sette I not the mountaunce of a tare | |
| So that I coude do aught to your plesaunce | |
| And with that word he fyl doun in a traunce | |
715 | A longe tyme and aftirward vp stert | |
| This Palamon that thoughte thorow his hert | |
| He felt a cold swerd sodenly glide | |
| For ire he quoke he nolde no lengir abyde | |
| And whan that he hath herd arcites tale | |
720 | As he were wood with face ded and pale | |
| He stirt hym vp out of the bussh thicke | |
| And sayde arcite fals traitour wicke | |
| Now art thou hent that louest my lady so | |
| For whom that I haue this peyne and woo | |
725 | And art my blood and to my counceyl sworn | |
| And I ful ofte haue told the here beforn | |
| And hast be iapyd here duke Theseus | |
| And falsly hast chaunged thy name thus | |
| I wil be ded or ellis thou shalt dye | |
730 | Thou shalt not loue my lady Emelye | |
| But I wil loue her only and no mo | |
| For I am Palamon thy mortal fo | |
| And though I haue no wepyn in this place | |